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(NEW REVIEWS) Bastion Rose , MANTHERS, The Reckless, Gregory Brown, DEVILRIOT

Bastion Rose - Coming For You

This track utilized so many amazing effects and distortion! Very interesting and powerful wall of sound. Absolutely deep , thick tones and emotion. Very well produced as well! Something felt like it was lacking in the beginning but once that chorus hits and you feel the raw energy it all comes full circle.

MANTHERS - Rock Bottom

This one was surprising and very interesting! It just screams rock and roll and has that care free spirit. This track sounds like motorcycles and flying eagles. This track sounds like America! It also had this almost punk vibe to it and some dribbles of different influences, almost similiar to Melvins in some parts. Over all very well written and produced rock track! I enjoyed it.

The Reckless - Darling Please

Very fast paced , fun and energetic. This track Is over all the place and chaotic in an absolutely enjoyable and beautiful way! Got a very straightforward punk sound with the distortion and pace , but also some elements of old rock and roll. Very powerful and super rad. Great use of gritty and raw but vibrant tones!

Gregory Brown - Bloodlines

I think is such a cool transformation going from Cake and writing (He's Going) The Distance which is a song I remember vividly, to a much more folk , acoustic and mellow sound. This had a very melancholic vibe to it and also just relaxing. The production is quite interesting because it's neat but it's not perfect, but it works well for this track.


Very nicely done! Very smooth transitions between emo , rap and metal! I love songs that blend multiple genres without over doing it and this is done well! Great production.. it's super hype and exciting, the mix is super deep and has the thickness of a prog track. It's solid!

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